The following is captured from the homepage of Church of God World Mission Society, which is the rebuilt zion established by Christ AhnSahngHong. I would like everyone on-line to be well informed with truth, not with bad rumors which was manipulated by anonymous. I am very sorry that some people misunderstand Church of God World Mission Society, Christ AhnSahngHong, and our Heavenly Mother.. Church of God built by Christ AhnSahngHong focuses the Bible. I really hope this passage I am writing now can be a guide to all of you seeking where God is. And ask people to give ears to God's voice through the Bible.

The Children of Promise

The Bible calls us "the children of promise."

Gal. 4:28

『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』

Then, what promise did God make to those who are called the children of promise? God promised them eternal life.

1 John 2:25

『And this is what he promised us?even eternal life.』

How is eternal life given to us? The Bible says that all things were created by God's will (Rev. 4:11). Among all of the many creatures that God has created, let us focus on the mothers. Since it is written that God created all things by His will, a certain will of God was expressed when He created mothers on this earth. As you know, all creatures have a mother figure. There is not a single creature that can come into existence without a mother.Our physical life is given to us through our physical mother. For 280 days, a baby's hands, feet, eyes and ears form within his mother's womb. When the time comes, the mother will give birth to her child, shedding blood. We are given life through our mother's great pain. How about our spiritual life? Just as our physical life was given to us through our physical mother, our spiritual life is given to us through our spiritual Mother.The Bible clearly testifies that our heavenly Mother exists, and that only our heavenly Mother can give us eternal life.


This is true. To say there is no Mother God is to deny your spiritual birth.

Even physically, who can deny that they are existing? Who was born only through a father? It's foolish to say that Our spirit has a Father and no Mother.

January 23, 2008 at 2:23 PM  

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