I pray to God in the name of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong since Ahn Sahng Hong is the new name of Jesus in this last age. churchofGodworldmissionsociety
There must be the new name testified according to the Bible
Christ AhnSahngHong in churchofGod world mission society
When Jesus came for the first time, nobody knew the name of Jesus even persecuting His disciples. (I hurt that the same thing occurs currently on the internet.) Only the people who looked into the Bible and listened to Jesus' teaching could recognize He is God. And they started to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. ChristAhnSahngHong inchurchofGodworldmissionsociety
Those who want to know who God is should understand what is the trinity. I would like to say God is one whose roles are three. God came down to earth as Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Son, Ahn Sahng Hong the Holy Spirit. Unless we do not understand the concept that the saviors of each 3 age, we never see him and we enter the kingdom of heaven. Probably it will not be hard cause it doesn't cost . Yet, we need humble mind toward the word of God, the law of heaven.ChristAhnSahngHong inchurchofGodworldmissionsociety


You trully must have a humble mind inorder to understand what God's administration is in the Bible. I was one that read the Bible alot. But when I studied about Christ Ahnsahnghong, I realized I didn't know anything.

December 5, 2007 at 1:44 PM  

Yes.. That is very important to know Jesus's new name in this age.
But the name is secret.
As children know their Father's name in this world so God's children surely know their Spiritual Father's name.
AhnSahngHong is the Jesus's new name we have to know for our salvation.

December 7, 2007 at 1:35 AM  

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