I cannot deny this world is under God's administration. The beginning and the end of everything are already destined by God. If God told that this world meets the end, He should prepare for the way of living since God is love and mercy for the chosen. Through all the verses, of the Bible, we can see we are sinners. To go to kingdom of heaven, our sins must be forgiven.
Christ AhnSahngHong in churchofGod worldmissionsociety
Eph 1:7 "In him[Jesus] we have redemption through his blood,
the forgivenss of sins."
Christ AhSahngHong in churchof God worldmissionsociety
Then, what is Jesus ' blood through which we can have the forgiveness of sins?
Mt 26:26 "This [the wine of the Passover] is my blood of the covenant.
Which is poured out for any for the forgiveness of sins."
Jesus blood through which we can have the forgiveness of sins is the blood [wine] of the
Passover. And the Passover is the new covenant in Jesus blood
Everything goes to the Passover. I was surprised at this thing when I study the Bible and come to know about God. If we really want to return to heaven we came from, we must celebrate the Passover. Then we will have the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus' blood promised in the Passover. This is
God's grace for our redemption.
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