As the sea recieves all the dirt and purifies it, we should have the broad and beautiful mind enough to cover up even the brothers' faults.

To be specific, the salt in the sea purifies every dirt. That's why God commanded us to become light and salt. Since I came into the truth of the new covenant, the Passover which Christ AhnSahngHong allowed through the Bible, I have seen many good deed and volunteer works in Church of God World Mission Society. I feel very good about that. But all honor and glory be only onto our God, not to us, sinners. Both outside and inside Church of God World Mission Society, God's children learn to love one another. Actually love is the most difficult and valuable thing and the best one God will be pleased.


Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother forgave our great sins. So we have to cover up other brother's or sisters' fault. Because We already received love from God. So we have to love each other. Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother loves all souls even mere one. We are one in Christ. Let's love each other like myself.

March 30, 2008 at 5:09 AM  

Amen! I wants having a heart of beautiful. God bless you!

April 6, 2008 at 7:32 AM  

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