By the way, so-called mainstream Christians do not judge the truth by the Bible, but by some apparent conditions as follows: ‘How much influence does the church have? How many believers does the church have? Do the leaders have a good scholar? How much contribution is collected?
From that measures, we can easily guess how detestable most religious leaders are. They are the spiritual blind who can not discern good(truth) from evil(falsehood).

Even though false churches call the true one ‘heretic’ and mock it, it cannot be heretic. Truth remains truth even though it is called ‘heretic’. And falsehood remains falsehood even though it is called ‘truth’ Though a wolf puts on sheep’s clothing, it cannot become sheep, can it? Nowadays, many religious bodies that accuse the Church of God of heresy unjustly are following the faults of the Pharisees who called scornfully Jesus ‘the Nazarene sect.’

If they call the church that obeys what Bible commands ‘heretic’, what will they call the churches that disobey the biblical teachings?

For example, their cross was an instrument used for putting vicious criminals to death in ancient Rome. To regard cross as a sacred thing is to commit the sin of participating in Satan’s plot, because cross is just a tool by which Jesus suffered, being treated as a criminal.
We are to be saved by Jesus’ blood shed on the cross, not by cross itself.


Cross is just Idol!! Cross can't give us blessing but curse...

February 25, 2008 at 12:10 AM  

Jesus Christ, Our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong 2000 yrs ago, said that His blood given on the Passover gives us forgiveness of sins. Then even though Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, if we don't keep the Passover we cannot receive the forgiveness of sins.

February 26, 2008 at 8:32 AM  

As God's children with mature faith, we need to consider how we can save the world and lead all people to the path of blessing. this is the errand that our heavenly Father & Mother have entrusted to us.

March 7, 2008 at 6:09 AM  

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